"Scholars enhance peace in the world" - The Talmud
Religious and Hebrew School
At Moses Montefiore Congregation, we have an active Religion education program for students in kindergarten through 7th grade. Currently, our religion school meets every Sunday in person. Our Hebrew School meets every Wednesday via zoom.
The goal of our program is to develop a strong Jewish identity by teaching the rituals and biblical history of our faith. We hope to develop a solid foundation for an appreciation and love of Judaism.
Our students gain a knowledge of prayer, Jewish thought, and traditions that will spark a life-long journey of Jewish education and connection.
For more information about our Religion Education Program, please contact our Principal, Michael Mizrahi at education@mmcappleton.com.
Adult Education
Adult education is important at MMC. We have regularly scheduled programs, speakers, and discussion groups. Some are serious and some are fun. Previous programs have included Rabbi Radio, Torah Power Hour, Judaism 101 and many more.
We often pair adult education and a Shabbat meal after Saturday morning services, and additional special events occur throughout the year. Contact Lisa Weiner for more information at chairman@mmcappleton.com.
Tot Shabbat
Tot Shabbat meets once a month on a Friday evening at 6:15 p.m. before our regular Shabbat evening services, to light candles and for a short service followed by a simple dinner together of freshly baked challah, mac 'n cheese, fruits and vegetables when we meet in person. You are welcome to leave or stay for the regular Friday night service which begins at 7:30p.m.
Everyone is welcome, but RSVP is appreciated so we have enough food and chairs. This service is intended for families with children from birth to eight. Of course, grandparents are always welcome!
Contact Artichoke214 @gmail.com for more information.